2017 US Corn Belt Crop Tour


Intro Video

Welcome to the 2017 6th Annual US Corn Belt Crop Tour from June 24th – July 10th, 2017 in 12 U.S. states brought to you by Farms.com Risk Management hosted by yours truly Moe Agostino, Commodity Marketing Expert. Special thanks goes to our Platinum sponsors Greenfield Specialty Alcohols Inc, Better Farming, Ag Buyers Guide and US Farmer. Silver sponsors include Maizex, Climate, Alpine for you Canadian farmers also known as Nachurs for the U.S. farmers, Travel Only, Rocky Mountaineer, RCM Alternatives.

The 2017 Farms.com Risk Management 6th Annual US Corn Belt Crop Tour is unlike any other U.S. Midwest crop tour as its main objective is not to count corn kernels in the month of August like the Pro Farmer or MDA crop tours but rather perform an early crop tour to anticipate the size of the US corn and soybean crops by July 1st and in turn help you the farmer anticipate where prices are headed. Along the way we will try to answer some important questions such as 'did we get all of the acres planted' and 'how many corn acres had to be replanted (4.5 – 5 million)' and 'did we switch any acres to soybeans'. Did a less than ideal U.S. planting season going to drag on the national average corn yields? Bottom-line, downgrades of 2-3% on corn yields cannot be ruled out. 

We want you to see what we see, so each day check out our Twitter account @FarmsMarketing for daily photos live from the fields, our daily farming tip video clips from farmers and experts across the country and new for 2017 is our contest. Just tweet a photo from your farm using #cornbelt17, retweet a #cornbelt17 tweet, or like a #cornbelt17 tweet, and you will be entered to win one of multiple prizes at the end of the tour. The winners will be announced on July 13th, 2017. Don’t forget to download the mobile app as well. 

If you want us to visit you on your farm please let us know ASAP as the schedule gets full very quickly. Use our easy online form to register your farm now!

Finally, look for our final summary video to be available by Thursday July 14th, 2017.

In 2017 we plan on having our 4th Annual end of crop tour event at the Greenfield Ethanol Plant in Chatham, ON on July 13th, 2017 with a plant tour, lunch and special guest speaker Fred Below, University of Illinois – “The quest for higher corn and soybean yields.” I hope to see you all there!

This would not be possible without you the viewer and our sponsors so special thanks goes to you and our sponsors Greenfield Specialty Alcohols Inc, Better Farming, Ag Buyers Guide and US Farmer, Silver sponsors include Maizex, Climate, Alpine for you Canadian farmers also known as Nachurs for the U.S. farmers, Travel Only, Rocky Mountaineer, RCM Alternatives.

2017 US Corn Belt Tour
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