2016 Great Ontario Yield Tour

Farms.com Farms.com Risk Management Alpine Canada's Outdoor Farm Show Maizex


Central Ontario

Central Ontario includes the counties of Durham, Hastings, Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland, Peterborough, Prince Edward and York.

Farms.com Risk Management 2016 Ontario Planting Intentions Estimates

2016 Central Ontario Planting Intentions

2016 Great Ontario Yield Tour - Central Ontario Photo Gallery

189,800 acres
Corn acres in 2015, +8.09% vs. 2014

149.7 bu/acre
Corn yield in 2015, same as in 2014
244,700 acres
Soybean acres in 2015, -8.96% vs. 2014

40.1 bu/acre
Soybean yield in 2015, +0.9 bu/acre vs. 2014
67,100 acres
Wheat acres in 2015, -11.71% vs. 2014

63.9 bu/acre 
Wheat yield in 2015, -10.2 bu/acre vs. 2014

Central Ontario Drought Intensity Map

2016 Central Ontario Drought Intensity Map

2016 Ontario Yield Tour

Platinum Sponsors
BASF CASE IH John Deere GreenField Global Palmerston Grain South West Ag Partners Veritas

Silver Sponsors
Better Farming Michelin Tirecraft

Bronze Sponsors
Collins Barrow Penta

Deveron Weather INnovations Consulting LP

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