2016 Great Ontario Yield Tour

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2016 Great Ontario Yield Tour Results

The 2016 Great Ontario Yield Tour, which spanned across the entire province of Ontario from August 15 – 26, 2016, collected 891 samples (corn- 412 & soybeans- 479) to arrive at a 149 bu/acre yield for corn and 43 bu/acre for soybeans, both of which were below the 5-year average.

2016 Great Ontario Yield Tour Region Data


County yields (for counties from where at least 8 samples were collected) were variable from one to another. The 2016 summer for Ontario was one of the driest in a long time with most of the province receiving less than 50% of normal precipitation.

2016 Great Ontario Yield Tour Region Data

2016 Ontario Yield Tour

Platinum Sponsors
BASF CASE IH John Deere GreenField Global Palmerston Grain South West Ag Partners Veritas

Silver Sponsors
Better Farming Michelin Tirecraft

Bronze Sponsors
Collins Barrow Penta

Deveron Weather INnovations Consulting LP

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