2017 Great Ontario Yield Tour Logo

Farms.com Farms.com Risk Management Alpine Canada's Outdoor Farm Show Jaquemet Farms Maizex


August 14 - August 25, 2017

Summary Video Tour Results Interviews

Welcome to the 2017 2nd Annual Great Ontario Yield Tour that will be held from August 14th – August 25th, 2017, with 2 final events this year. The first event will be held August 25th in Winchester, ON and will include demos, bbq lunch, and special guest speaker- farmer favourite, Fred Below, talking about “The quest for higher corn and soybean yields.” The second event will be held on August 31st at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show (COFS), Woodstock, ON, and will have special guest speaker, Missy Bauer, discussing “Chasing 300 bushel corn yield”, as well as workstations/demo & BBQ lunch.

The 2017 Great Ontario Yield Tour is brought to you by Farms.com Risk Management, Farms.com, Maizex, Alpine, Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show and Jacquemet Farms. The tour will be hosted by “Marketing Man” Moe Agostino from Farms.com Risk Management and “Corn Guru” Greg Stewart from Maizex Seeds. Special thanks goes to all of our Platinum sponsors- Valent/Nufarm, Greenfield Global, South West Ag Partners Inc., Case IH, HJV Equipment, Michelin, Better Farming and Ag Buyer's Guide. Our Gold sponsor is Climate Fieldview, and Silver sponsors are Deveron UAS, Travel Only and Rocky Mountaineer.

We will be estimating corn and soybean yields in Ontario in 5 regions - South, East, Central, West and North, by taking samples for the last 2 weeks of August. During our tour we will try to answer some important questions such as: Did a late and wet planting season damage the crops? How many corn acres were lost to soybeans? How did the growing season unfolded?

We want you to see what we see, so follow the tour on twitter using hashtag #ONyield17 and check out @Farmsmarketing photos and farmer and industry expert video “tips of the day” interviews. 

If you want us to visit you on your farm, please let us know ASAP by calling 877-438-5729 x 5040 or by registering online

Our corn and soybean yield estimates will be released on August 31st, after lunch at the final event at Woodstock, ON. Talk to one of our sponsors to get your invitation to this exclusive event!



Thank you to all of our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors
CASE IH Better Farming Farms.com Ag Buyer's Guide GreenField Global

HJV Equipment HJV Equipment Michelin South West Ag Partners Valent Nufarm

Gold Sponsors
Climate Field View

Silver Sponsors
Deveron Rocky Mountaineer Travel Only

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