2017 Great Ontario Yield Tour Logo

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Ontario Crop Highlights

Farms.com Risk Management had concluded its 2017 Ontario Plantings Survey in March and this is how it compares to Stats Canada’s 2017 March updated Acreage figures. For corn and wheat acreage, the two sets of data are quite close to each other. Stats Canada is estimating close to 400,000 more acres to be planted in 2017 in Ontario- 6,190,000 in 2017 vs. last year at 5,800,000, and compared to our survey at 5,936,287. Read the full Farms.com Risk Management 2017 Ontario Planting Intentions report.

2017 Ontario Planting Intentions

Number of farms in 2016, covering more than 25 mil acres of productive farmland
Commodities produced in Ontario, including field crops, vegetables and livestock
$11 billion
The agri-food sector is the largest economic engine in Ontario, contributing more than $11 billion to the provincial economy.
Ontario-based processors buy about 65% of the province's food-related production
No. of food & beverage processing businesses, many located in rural communities
Farming Jobs in Ontario & generates $13.7 billion to the province's GDP
Jobs waiting for every agriculture degree graduate in Ontario
2,220,000 acres
Corn acres in 2017, +10% vs. 2016

158.5 bu/acre
Corn yield in 2016, -12.1 bu/acre vs. 2015
3,020,000 acres
Soybean acres in 2017, +11% vs. 2016

45.9 bu/acre
Soybean yield in 2016, -0.9 bu/acre vs. 2015
950,000 acres
Wheat acres in 2017, -13% vs. 2016

87.7 bu/acre 
Wheat yield in 2016, +11.7 bu/acre vs. 2015

According to Environment Canada’s data on Ag Canada’s website, as of 31 May, 2017, there were no drought conditions spotted in Ontario.

2017 Ontario Yield Tour

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Platinum Sponsors
CASE IH Better Farming Farms.com Ag Buyer's Guide GreenField Global

HJV Equipment HJV Equipment Michelin South West Ag Partners Valent Nufarm

Gold Sponsors
Climate Field View

Silver Sponsors
Deveron Rocky Mountaineer Travel Only

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