Watch as Moe Agostino & Greg Stewart, Maizex Agronomy Expert, meet with local farmers and industry experts along the 2018 Great Ontario Yield Tour. It is a privilege to speak with these individuals as we learn more about the 2018 Ontario corn and soybean crop conditions.
Philip Shaw, Chatham/Kent
2019 planting season unprecedented after 40 years of farming but looking good for Aug. 13, 2019.
Ken Ferrie, Crop-Tech Consulting, Heyworth, IL
How to Select Hybrids to Best Perform on Your Soil Type
Jeremy Johnson, ALPINE
New ALPINE G241 Seeing Huge Yield Gains
Greg Stewart, Maizex
Examining Keys to Increasing Soybean Yields
Greg Stewart, Maizex & Joe Debrouwer, Blenheim, ON
Corn Planted Early in 2019 Not the Norm
Morley Wallace, GPS Ontario
Fertile Stripping - Doing More with Less
Gilbert Brault, Nufarm
Successfully Managing Weeds and Herbicide Resistance in Soybeans
Shawn Livingston, Precision Planting
What the planter can tell you with the 3Gen Monitor from Precision Planting