August 17 - August 28, 2020
Every year is different and unique. In 2018, southwestern Ontario had too much VOM in corn, but yields were record strong. In 2019 a late/wet planting season led to a very late harvest with lower test weights in corn and average yields for corn and soybeans. So, what will 2020 bring?
In its 5th year, the 2020 Great Ontario Yield Tour (#ONYield20) will tour the province in August and our team of scouts will be in the field taking samples. At the end of the tour, the team will release a province-wide corn and soybean yield estimate as well as regionalized estimates for south, east, central, and western Ontario.
Crop producers will look back at 2019 as a year for the history books. With the delayed start to the planting season and the abrupt stop (for many producers) to harvesting activity in the month of November due to January-like snowfall and bitter cold temps. The Great Ontario Yield Tour had first-hand knowledge in August that producers would need a long, good finish to produce above average crops. This was instrumental in helping farmers make timely marketing decisions.
SEPTEMBER 2 & 3, 10am - 2pm

The Great Ontario Yield Tour team wants you to see what they see so check out all of our photos and farmer and industry expert video interviews as we post them on Twitter @FarmsMarketing using hashtag #ONyield20 throughout the tour.
Thank you to everyone who participated and attended our 2 final wrap up events on August 22 & August 29, 2019 as we trended on Twitter for the first time in 4 years!