2021 Great Ontario Yield Tour Logo

Southern Ontario

Southwestern Ontario includes the counties of Essex, Chatham-Kent, Lambton, Middlesex and Elgin.
Southeastern Ontario includes the counties of Oxford, Brant, Hamilton-Wentworth, Haldimand-Norfolk and Niagara.

2020 5th Annual Great ON Yield Tour Average Yield Estimates

2020 Great ON Yield Tour Average Yield Estimates

Average Crop Estimates
1,130,751 acres
Corn acres in 2021, +12% vs. 2020*

172.8 bu/acre
OMAFRA 5yr Average Yield
1,436,854 acres
Soybean acres in 2021, +0.1% vs. 2020*

49.7 bu/acre
OMAFRA 5yr Average Yield
307,399 acres
Wheat acres in 2021, -28% vs. 2020*

83.98 bu/acre 
OMAFRA 5yr Average Yield

*2021 acreage estimates from 2021 Farms.com Risk Management Ontario Planting Intentions Survey; 2020 acreage estimates from Statistics Canada estimates

2021 ON Yield Tour

Farms.com Farms.com Risk Management Alpine Derks Elevator Maizex


Thank you to all of our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors
Better Farming Farms.com Ag Buyer's Guide CASE IH GPS Ontario
GreenField Global Precision Planting TerraNova UAV Weather INnovations

Gold Sponsors
Syngenta Canada Inc

Silver Sponsors
Climate Field View Kuebler Farms Upper Canada Crushing





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