2022 Great Ontario Yield Tour Logo

2022 Great Ontario Yield Tour Results

The 2022 7th Annual Great Ontario Yield Tour toured across Ontario from August 15-26, 2022 collecting over 869 corn and soybean samples resulting in the 2nd largest corn crop ever second only to last years record with a corn yield at 186.6 and the 4th largest soybean crop at 50.3 bushels per acre! The key difference in corn is length 31.6 vs. 34.2 in 2021 and soybeans come up slightly lower in plants and # of pods per plant.

2022 Ontario crops were for the most part surprisingly better than expected despite some dry spots with more “haves than have nots” and the “garden spots” will outweigh the dry spots. There was very little disease or weed pressure across the province. No tar spot or vomitoxin in the west with some spider mite and aphid infestation in the east. A very wet August for most means the finish could add kernel and soybean pod weight and size.

2022 Great Ontario Yield Tour Region Data

2022 Great Ontario Yield Tour County Data

2022 ON Yield Tour

Farms.com Farms.com Risk Management Alpine Derks Elevator Maizex


Thank you to all of our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors
Advanced Grain Handling Systems Better Farming CASE IH Climate Field View
Farms.com Ag Buyer's Guide GPS Ontario TerraNova UAV Weather INnovations

Gold Sponsors
Syngenta Canada Inc

Silver Sponsors
Koch Agronomic Services Kuebler Farms RE/MAX Farm Ontario Soil Optix Upper Canada Crushing





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