Two events are held at the end of the Great Ontario Yield Tour. These events are held to bring farmers up to speed on the tour findings and to learn more about how to better their yields by providing demos on new technology, farm management practices, and agronomy.
Certified Crop Advisors can now earn Nutrient Management and Crop Management CEU Credits when attending either event!

Woodstock Event
Discovery Farm Woodstock (Canada's Outdoor Farm Show)
744906 Oxford Rd 17
Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7W1
8am* - 3:30pm
*On-site Registrant check-in from 8am - 8:45am at the Maizex Dome
Please give yourself plenty of time to get checked in with your group leader. First presentation begins at 8:45am.
We invite guests to bring a lawn/camping chair from home so you can sit comfortably at each of the demo presentations throughout the morning.
Guest Speaker - Daniel Quinn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Extension Corn Specialist
Purdue University, Central Michigan
Main Presentation Topic
We Didn’t Start the Fire! Further Understanding the Impacts of Wildfire Smoke on Corn Development and Yield
In recent years, many major corn producing areas have experienced an increase in air quality concerns during the summer due to elevated incidence and severity of wildfires in Canada and the western U.S. In late-June of 2023, air quality warnings were issued throughout the Midwest and Canada due to smoke caused by severe and widespread wildfires, which resulted in a noticeable haze and reduction in direct sunlight. Therefore, not only is this a concern for human health, the question that is also asked by many farmers is “how is the smoke impacting crop development?”. This presentation will be aimed at providing some insight into these questions and how wildfire smoke may (or may not) cause harm to corn development and yield.
Educational Demo Presentation Topic
The R5 Growth Stage of Corn: Why Kernel Weight Matters?
Once corn reaches growth stage R5 (dent), there can be a preconceived notion that we are now home free if any stress were to occur, and that grain yield has been made. However, it is still critical to understand the importance of this final growth stage of the corn plants life prior to reaching maturity, and why a significant amount of grain yield is still being determined during this period. This field demonstration and presentation will focus on understanding the R5 growth stage in corn, how kernel weight and size is being determined, and why this component can have significant influences on final grain yield.
- 8:00am - 8:45am Registration
- All pre-registered attendees will be pre-assigned to a group.
An email will be sent the day before the event advising attendees which group they are in.
All attendees must check-in with their group leader outside the Maizex Dome.
- 8:45am: Demo Presentation Rotation
Attendees will travel in groups to each of the following presentations.
- GPS Ontario – New autonomous tractor technology demo with Sabanto and sprayer mixing station demo.
- Hensall Coop - Food Grade Market Outlook & Crop Progress
- Maizex - Hybrid Management: How can we use Hybrid Characteristics to Get More Yield
- NutriAg - Managing Crop Stress to Maximize Yields
- Taurus Ag – Fertility Focused Farming
- TerraNova UAV – Latest advancements in drone technology and its role on the farm
- Daniel Quinn, Ph.D. – The R5 Growth Stage of Corn: Why Kernel Weight Matters?
- BBQ Lunch catered by Pineridge Barbecue Co.
- Presentations
- Special Guest Speaker - Daniel Quinn, Ph.D. - We Didn’t Start the Fire! Further Understanding the Impacts of Wildfire Smoke on Corn Development and Yield
- Risk Management - Moe Agostino - 2024 Grain Market & Basis Outlook
- 2024 Ontario Yield Tour Results - Moe Agostino and Henry Prinzen
- Prizes
- 2 grand prizes available
TerraNova UAV Multi-Spectral Imagery package (includes $2,500 worth of multi-spectral crop assessment & reports)
2024 Yield Contest Prize Package (2 available) (valued at $2,400 - includes a Risk Management Subscription valued at $800, foliar product & NutriAnalytics tissue samples from NutriAg valued at $800, and Maizex Seed valued at $800)
Chesterville Event
Derks Elevator
3063 Forward Rd
Chesterville, Ontario K0C 1H0
9am* - 4:30pm
*On-site Registrant check-in from 9am - 9:45am.
Please give yourself plenty of time to get checked in with your group leader. First presentation begins at 9:45am.
We invite guests to bring a lawn/camping chair from home so you can sit comfortably at each of the demo presentations throughout the morning.
Guest Speaker - Shaun Casteel
Associate Professor of Agronomy, Soybean Specialist
West Lafayette, IN
Main Presentation Topic
Setting and Expanding on Foundations to Maximize Soybean Yield
Intensive management practices often include high rate and/or frequent applications of fertilizers and pest protection products that counter environmental awareness and long-term sustainability. Shaun Casteel has explored the opportunities for synergy in soybean management by adding a product, practice, or system while determining economic viability. The synergistic opportunities with sulfur fertility and cultural practices (e.g., planting date, field condition, cover crop, foliar protection) has been a major focus in his research. His goal is to underpin management decisions with the evidence found in the observed development and growth of soybeans in response to environment and management interactions. Foundational management must be set before exploring the “next and greatest” practice.
Educational Demo Presentation Topic
Controlling or Living with White Mold in Soybeans?
Several common practices and not so common practices to manage white mold in soybean will be on display in the field.
- 9am - 9:45am Registration
- All pre-registered attendees will be pre-assigned to a group.
An email will be sent the day before the event advising attendees which group they are in.
All attendees must check-in with their group leader.
- 9:45am: Demo Presentation Rotation
Attendees will travel in groups to each of the following presentations.
- GPS Ontario – New autonomous tractor technology demo with Sabanto and sprayer mixing station demo.
- Hensall Coop - Food Grade Market Outlook & Crop Progress
- Maizex - Hybrid Management: How can we use Hybrid Characteristics to Get More Yield
- NutriAg - Managing Crop Stress to Maximize Yields
- Taurus Ag – Fertility Focused Farming
- TerraNova UAV – Latest advancements in drone technology and its role on the farm
- Shaun Casteel – Controlling or Living with White Mold in Soybeans?
- BBQ Lunch - catered by Fitz's Classic BBQ Smokehouse
- Presentations
- Special Guest Speaker - Shaun Casteel - Setting and Expanding on Foundations to Maximize Soybean Yield
- Risk Management - Moe Agostino - 2024 Grain Market & Basis Outlook
- 2024 Ontario Yield Tour Results - Moe Agostino and Henry Prinzen
- Prizes
- 2 grand prizes available
TerraNova UAV Multi-Spectral Imagery package (includes $2,500 worth of multi-spectral crop assessment & reports)
2024 Yield Contest Prize Package (2 available) (valued at $2,400 - includes a Risk Management Subscription valued at $800, foliar product & NutriAnalytics tissue samples from NutriAg valued at $800, and Maizex Seed valued at $800)