2016 5th Annual US Corn Belt Crop Tour logo Pride Seeds Penta Equipment



2016 US Corn Belt Crop Tour - Kansas State Video
2016 US Corn Belt Crop Tour - Kansas Photo Gallery
About Kansas
Number of farms
762 acres
Average size of a Kansas farm
46,000,000 acres
Land in Kansas farms
Average age of Kansas farmer
Kansas’ US rank in sorghum grain production
4,800,000 acres
Corn acres in 2016, +16% vs. 2015

148 bu/acre
Corn yield in 2015, 1 bu/acre vs. 2014
3,850,000 acres
Soybean acres in 2016, -1% vs. 2015

38.5 bu/acre
Soybean yield in 2015, +2.5 bu/acre vs. 2014
8,500,000 acres
Wheat acres in 2016, -8% vs. 2015

37 bu/acre 
Wheat yield in 2015, +9 bu/acre vs. 2014


Kansas NOAA Precipitation Rankings, May 2016

Bottom 1/10 Bottom 1/3 Normal Top 1/3 Top 1/10 Record

Period Precip 20th Century Average Departure Rank Wettest/Driest Since Record
Jan - May 2016
(309.12 mm)
(243.33 mm)
(65.79 mm)
102nd Driest Driest Since: 2014 1966
21st Wettest Wettest Since: 2015 1944


Year to Date Percent of Normal Precipitation (Percent), Valid on: July 6, 2016

Kansas Precipitation



2016 Kansas State Video - Transcript

It is day 6, June 30th - we are starting the tour in the state of Kansas. This state has been dry, the northwest corner has been - we have been traveling west on 56. We are near McPherson, Kansas and we are in this corn field here. You know, you can tell that they probably planted early and got some moisture, but now it is drying out - we have cracks in the ground. Across the road looks like there is some corn that was planted - it is barely emerged - probably planted within the last week or so. This crop is ok but it's not impressing me. Not worth what I have seen so far.

Just give you some facts about the state of Kansas. Corn is about 69% good to excellent vs the national average 75%. Very poor to poor is at 5%, yield in 2015 was 148, the record 155 in 2009. There is about 4.8 million acres of corn, we are up vs 2015. Soys, we have almost 4 million acres planted. 6.6 % of the total. We are down 1% vs 2015. The yield in 2015 was 38.5, record 2009 was 44. So even though beans get planted late here - you can plant beans on June 1st - with some moisture and decent ideal growing conditions it can still produce that 40-50 bushels per acre. Finally for wheat, this is a big wheat state, 8.5 million acres. We are about 25% harvested. Actually it is more than that - there is a lot of wheat being harvested, big yields 80, 100-110. Protein maybe isn't as much, but they have got so much wheat in this state now that some guys are suggesting that they have made two crops in one year. Maybe as much as $280 an acre vs $180 on average. And they are starting to pile the wheat on the ground because there isn't enough room in the storage bins. Yield is about 37. The last thing I will say is that Kansas is rated number 1 in Sorghum production.

They are forecasting some rain, both the bean and the corn crop in the state of Kansas is going to need some rain soon because it is doing some damage to yield.

[Video clips of Kansas field conditions]

Traveling north on 81, we are near Salina, Kansas, we are going to end our tour in the state of Kansas. We are in front of dryland corn, we have seen a lot of irrigated corn throughout the state. Again, it is a similar theme that we have seen in some of the better states like Missouri and Illinois - we have had a great start, some moisture and in some cases early planted but now the sun it's gotten dry. You can see some pineappling and some rolling of the corn here. It is dry, expecting some rain over the weekend, we will see whether that happens, but over the next month it is very critical that both the irrigated and the dryland corn get some moisture. There is a lot of potential, but I think there has been enough damage and stress from the dry weather. This is definitely a drier year than the last couple of years, and we will have to wait and see what happens here. The crops are good; lush and green. And the temperature again, we had 100 degree day here or pretty close to it, pretty hot. But very little moisture in the forecast so... We are going to rate this state about 7.5, the beans also look pretty good, look pretty healthy. Beans in Kansas look short but they can plant June 1st and still produce a 40-50 bushel per acre crop as long as they get that moisture, but in a lot of cases whether dryland beans or irrigated they are looking good. So 7.5. I am going to rank the state of Kansas just behind Missouri. So Illinois is still the top state, Missouri second, Kansas third, and then Indiana and Ohio come in the last category just because they were behind.

[Video clips of Kansas field conditions]

2016 US Corn Belt Tour
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