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2016 US Corn Belt Crop Tour - Nebraska State Video
2016 US Corn Belt Crop Tour - Nebraska Photo Gallery
About Nebraska
Number of farms
928 acres
Average size of a Nebraska farm
45,200,000 acres
Land in Nebraska farms
Land used for farming in the state
Over 1 billion pounds
Milk produced by Nebraska’s dairy cows
Nebraska’s rank in the U.S. for all cattle and calves inventory
9,700,000 acres
Corn acres in 2016, +3% vs. 2015

207 bu/acre
Corn yield in 2015, +28 bu/acre vs. 2014
5,300,000 acres
Soybean acres in 2016, same as 2015

58 bu/acre
Soybean yield in 2015, +4 bu/acre vs. 2014
1,350,000 acres
Wheat acres in 2016, -9% vs. 2015

38 bu/acre 
Wheat yield in 2015, -11 bu/acre vs. 2014


Nebraska NOAA Precipitation Rankings, May 2016

Bottom 1/10 Bottom 1/3 Normal Top 1/3 Top 1/10 Record

Period Precip 20th Century Average Departure Rank Wettest/Driest Since Record
Jan - May 2016
(305.56 mm)
(208.03 mm)
(97.53 mm)
116th Driest Driest Since: 2015 1934
7th Wettest Wettest Since: 2007 1915


Year to Date Percent of Normal Precipitation (Percent), Valid on: July 6, 2016

Nebraska Precipitation



2016 Nebraska State Video - Transcript

It's day 7, it's July 1, 2016. My name is Moe Agostino, Chief Commodity Strategist with Farms.com Risk Management. We're in the state of Nebraska and we continue with our crop tour in 2016. We are south on Hickman Road - we are travelling on Hickman Road south of Hickman, Nebraska.

Before we get to some of the crops just a couple of facts about Nebraska. 79% of the corn is rated good to excellent, 3% very poor to poor. We've got almost 10 million acres planted this year - up 3% from 2015. The record yield was 2015. Now in the state of Nebraska a lot of the corn is irrigated. Beans: 5.3 million, we are up a little bit from 2015, about 58 thousand. Record yield 58, that was also in 2015. Then wheat, it is about 1/3 to almost 1/2 harvested, about 1.35 million acres, down from last year, average yield is about 38. Did you know that over 1 billion pounds of milk is produced by Nebraska dairy cows?

We are in front of a corn field here, most of what we have seen so far in Nebraska is similar to what we have seen in Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, and now Nebraska. It's lush, it's green, and it is looking good. Looks like it had a good start, I don't see any weed or disease pressure. This is 30 inch rows here, we are tasseling, and we are actually creating some small ears as well but we'll continue to talk to farmers and many of them have been concerned about the lack of moisture. They had a great start, but lately it has been drying down.

[Video clips of Nebraska field conditions]

We are now traveling north on Hwy 79, we are just west of Weston, Nebraska. We are heading northwest up towards Crofton, Nebraska and this is typical of what we are seeing here in Nebraska. It probably had a good and early start but from what farmers have said so far it has had some moisture, but over the last month they are experiencing some dry weather, lacking the rain. They expect to get some this weekend but we will see if that happens. We are getting some cracks in the soil - it is a little dry at the top here. No disease pressure, a little bit of weeds here and there but nothing out of control. It looks like it is just about to tassel here for the July 4th weekend.

[Video clips of Nebraska field conditions]

We are traveling west on Hwy 15, we are just south of Columbus near Rising City, Nebraska. This is a soybean field, it looks like it was just sprayed - 30 inch rows. It is a little bit dry but overall looking decent. It's a cooler day today, it hasn't been as hot as the last few days. Getting a little cloudy, maybe those rain storms are coming in. Soybeans still have a long way to go before podfill.

[Video clips of Nebraska field conditions]

We are traveling north on 81 just east of Pierce, Nebraska and you can see in the distance we have a pivot. There is a lot of irrigation in Nebraska, about 44% of all the acres are irrigated. So this has a lot of potential, typically irrigated land can produce 250 bushels per acre compared to the dry land. But, it can also be subject to temperatures so if the temperatures during the day are too high or the temperatures at night aren't cool enough, it can still effect those yields.

[Video clips of Nebraska field conditions]

We are traveling east on Hwy 12, we are just approaching Wynot, Nebraska and it is day 7, July 1st. We are going to end our tour of the state of Nebraska. We are standing in front of a nice corn field here. This is the typical size that we have seen in Nebraska. It is probably a week or 2 away from tasseling. The state of Nebraska has had too much moisture through the month of May. It delayed some of the planting in this area near Crofton where we have been at. They had too much rain and some of the crops were delayed by one or two weeks. In fact, there is some late planted corn that is barely ankle high. The beans are looking good - from ankle high to knee high. But, guys are still suggesting that they are going to need some moisture moving forward. The crops are lush green, they are looking good. Half of the state is irrigated but those irrigated acres can still be effected by temperatures. Expected to get hot again here over the next week or so, the month of July is critical for corn, the month of August and September for beans. But, Nebraska as a whole is on par with Missouri, Kansas, and Illinois in terms of where the crops are. We didn't see a lot of tasseled corn, a little bit behind but nonetheless I think at this point it is an average to above average crop. There is still a lot of potential, but for Nebraska we are going to rank (1 out of 10) we'll rank it a 6.5 - 7 at this point.

2016 US Corn Belt Tour
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