2016 5th Annual US Corn Belt Crop Tour logo Pride Seeds Penta Equipment



June 25, 2016 - July 11, 2016

Introduction Video   Summary Video   media_articles

Click each state for more information Ohio Indiana Illinois Missouri Kansas Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota Minnesota Iowa Wisconsin Michigan Michigan


2016 U.S. Corn Belt Crop Tour

Welcome to the 2016 5th Annual U.S. Corn Belt Crop Tour from June 25th – July 11th, 2016 in 12 U.S. states brought to you by Farms.com Risk Management hosted by Moe Agostino, Commodity Marketing Expert.

The 2016 Farms.com Risk Management Annual U.S. Corn Belt Crop Tour is unlike any other U.S. Midwest crop tour as its main objective is not to count corn kernels in August, but to perform an early crop tour to anticipate the size of the U.S. corn and soybean crops by July 1st. This, in turn, will help you, the farmer, to anticipate where prices are headed.

New for 2016 includes our new mobile app. for Apple and Android smart phones, a Twitter feed on both the app and the webpage, and registration for our tour. If you want us to visit you on your farm please let us know ASAP as the schedule gets full very quickly. Finally, look for our final summary video, which should be available by Thursday July 14th, 2016.

In 2016 we plan on having our 3rd Annual end of crop tour event at the Penta Tillage Plant in Glencoe, Ontario on July 26th, 2016. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Penta Event

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