Number of farms |
188 acres
Average size of an Ohio farm |
14,000,000 acres
Land in Ohio farms |
1 of 4
States in which over 50% of its land is classified as "prime famland" |
Ohio leads the US in production of swiss cheese |
Beekeepers in Ohio, containing 29,900 bee colonies |
Ohio's ranking for processing tomatoes; the state is ranked 5th for fresh tomato production |
3,550,000 acres
Corn acres in 2017, unchanged from 2016
159 bu/acre
Corn yield in 2016, +6.0 bu/acre vs. 2015 |
5,000,000 acres
Soybean acres in 2017, +3.09% vs. 2016
54.5 bu/acre
Soybean yield in 2016, +4.5 bu/acre vs. 2015 |
470,000 acres
Wheat acres in 2017, -18.97% vs. 2016
80 bu/acre
Wheat yield in 2016, +13.0 bu/acre vs. 2015 |