2017 US Corn Belt Crop Tour


South Dakota

About South Dakota
Number of farms
1,397 acres
Average size of a South Dakota farm
43,300,000 acres
Land in South Dakota farms
Share of farms and ranches family owned and operated; more than 2,500 farms and ranches have been in the same family for more than 100 years
South Dakota’s US rank in sunflower seed and oil production
Heads of cattle produced by approximately 17,000 ranchers and cattlemen; South Dakota has more cattle than people!
5,400,000 acres
Corn acres in 2017, -3.57% vs. 2016

161 bu/acre
Corn yield in 2016, +2.0 bu/acre vs. 2015
5,400,000 acres
Soybean acres in 2017, +3.85% vs. 2016

49.5 bu/acre
Soybean yield in 2016, +3.5 bu/acre vs. 2015
900,000 acres
Wheat acres in 2017, -23.73% vs. 2016

58 bu/acre 
Wheat yield in 2016, +14.0 bu/acre vs. 2015


2017 US Corn Belt Tour
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