July 2020
9th Annual US Corn Belt Crop Tour Summary of the State of Missouri
9th Annual US Corn Belt Crop Tour Summary of the State of Missouri
The 2020 9th Annual U.S. Corn Belt Crop tour route visited the state of MO spanning over 3-days June 30, July 1 and July 10. On June 30th we travelled from Southern IL to Southern MO. On July 1st we travelled from Aurora North to Belton, MO and on July 1oth we toured the North from Unionville to Lancaster, MO. On day 1 and 2 the heat index was 102F cloudy and sunshine while day 3 July 10th was 93F cloudy and sunny. Most of the production in Mo is in the far east and west north and south and from center North east and west. The state was well ahead in pollination or soybeans blooming vs. the prior 3 states we toured but the very North east and west was very dry with corn pineapple and leaves curling while short/dry soybeans could use a drink. When comparing the state to 2019, the heat index in 2020 is what was missing last year. There is plenty of top and subsoil moisture, but the heat is taking its toll on the crops in the North.
NOAA MO 30-Day Precipitation Departure from Normal

The record corn yield in Missouri was 186 in 2014 vs. 155 last year while soybeans hit a record in 2017 at 49.5 vs. 19 at 46.0 bpa. Crops are not stressing from excessive moisture or disease but heat in the North it is prolonged will lower yields in MO. We rate the state a 7.0 out of 10.

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