2020 US Corn Belt Crop Tour

Thank you to our Proud Sponsor

Genesis Ag



2020 Summary of the State of Ohio

Day 1: June 27, 2020

9th Annual US Corn Belt Crop Tour Summary of the State of Ohio

The 2020 9th Annual U.S. Corn Belt Crop tour route in the state of Ohio started in Toledo and travelled to Columbus south to Middletown, OH. It was 81F, cloudy and rainy on day 1 June 27th and 80F cloudy/rain in the morning of day 2 June 28th. It appears that most fields were planted in 2020 vs. 2019 so there will be less PP (Prevent Plant) acres with no plant population issues. Surplus soil moisture is down from 43% on April 20 to 3% on June 22 according to the USDA but timely rains have resulted in green, lush, healthy crops. There are no crop stress nor disease pressure. Rank state 6 out of 10 but lots of potential..

However, frost, wet/cool conditions first week of May resulted in later planted corn and earlier planted soybean acres. Some soybeans plants are just as high as corn plants for end of June. 95% of the corn acres are waist high or lower with a very small % chest high. Corn is short and late for this time of the year with a large % knee to ankle high.  USDA rates OH one of the 5 lowest rated states for crop conditions. Despite an earlier start that 2019 planting conditions were not ideal. Corn plants were much shorter than expected despite the earlier start with very little corn head high by July 1! A large % of the corn pollination will be at the end of July/early August.

Thank you to our proud Premier Sponsor Genesis Ag. Are you searching for healthier soils and higher yields and profits? Look no further, learn more at genesis.ag.

2020 US Corn Belt Crop Tour - Ohio Photo Gallery
About Ohio
Number of farms
175 acres
Average size of an Ohio farm
13,600,000 acres
Land in Ohio farms
1 of 4
States in which over 50% of its land is classified as "prime farmland"
Ohio leads the US in production of swiss cheese
Beekeepers in Ohio, containing 29,900 bee colonies
Ohio's ranking for processing tomatoes; the state is ranked 5th for fresh tomato production
3,700,000 acres
Corn acres intended in 2020, +32% vs 2019

164 bu/acre
Corn yield in 2019, -23.0 bu/acre vs. 2018
4,800,000 acres
Soybean acres intended in 2020, +12% vs. 2019

49 bu/acre
Soybean yield in 2019, -9.0 bu/acre vs. 2018
510,000 acres
Wheat acres intended in 2020, +2% vs. 2019

56 bu/acre 
Wheat yield in 2019, -19.0 bu/acre vs. 2018


Year to Date Departure from Normal Precipitation (Inches), Valid on: July 15, 2020

Year to date Precipitation map - Ohio

2020 US Corn Belt Tour
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