2022 US Corn Belt Crop Tour

Thank you to our Proud Sponsors

Case IHAdvanced Forecasting Corp.

blue dividing line



About Minnesota
Number of farms
377 acres
Average size of a Minnesota farm
25,400,000 acres
Land in Minnesota farms
680 miles
Starting in Minnesota, 680 miles of Mississippi River’s 2,552 total miles flow through the state. The Mississippi transports 66% of all grain exported from the U.S.
Minnesota is home to 3 of North America’s ecological region’s; Laurentian Mixed Forest, Eastern Broadleaf Forest and Prairie Parkland; 1.32 million acres of farmland is devoted to conservation and wetland reserve programs
Minnesota has soils that are classified in 7 of the 12 World soil orders
Minnesota’s U.S. rank for number of bison producers, raising 12,000 head
7,800,000 acres
Corn acres intended in 2022, -7% vs. 2021
178 bu/acre
Corn yield in 2021, -14.0 bu/acre vs. 2020
8,000,000 acres
Soybean acres intended in 2022, +5% vs. 2021
47 bu/acre
Soybean yield in 2021, -2.0 bu/acre vs. 2020
1,260,000 acres
Spring Wheat acres intended in 2022, +4% vs. 2021
48 bu/acre 
Spring Wheat yield in 2021, -5.0 bu/acre vs. 2020


Last 60 Days Percent of Normal Precipitation, Valid on July 21, 2022

Minnesota Weather Map as of July 21, 2022

2022 US Corn Belt Tour
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