Number of farms |
1,469 acres
Average size of a South Dakota farm |
43,200,000 acres
Land in South Dakota farms |
Share of farms and ranches family owned and operated; more than 2,500 farms and ranches have been in the same family for more than 100 years |
South Dakota’s US rank in sunflower seed and oil production |
Heads of cattle produced by approximately 17,000 ranchers and cattlemen; South Dakota has more cattle than people! |
6,200,000 acres
Corn acres intended in 2022, +1% vs. 2021
135 bu/acre
Corn yield in 2021, -27.0 bu/acre vs. 2020 |
5,700,000 acres
Soybean acres intended in 2022, +5% vs. 2021
40.0 bu/acre
Soybean yield in 2021, -5.5 bu/acre vs. 2020 |
1,560,000 acres
Wheat acres intended in 2022, +3% vs. 2021
33.9 bu/acre
Wheat yield in 2021, -18.0 bu/acre vs. 2020 |
Last 60 Days Percent of Normal Precipitation, Valid on July 21, 2022