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Comparing droughts in the U.S. midwest in 24 vs. 12 the start of 24 is much worse & what will a return of La Nina bring?

(Feb 22, 2024)
Comparing droughts in the U.S. midwest in 24 vs. 12 the start of 24 is much worse & what will a return of La Nina bring? Iowa at 56+% in a D2-D4 drought. Will we get lucky again with timely CDN smoke in June & timely rains in July?
Maurizio “Moe” Agostino
Moe is the Chief Commodity Strategist. He is responsible for developing plans and assisting clients in the feed, grain and livestock industry to help them protect themselves from commodity price swings. Moe holds a Derivatives Market Specialist (DMS) designation as well as an Honors Degree in Business Administration. Moe has more than 15 years of financial services industry experience.
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