August 13 - August 22, 2018

The 3rd annual Great ON Yield Tour will take place August 13th to 22nd, 2018. As in the previous two years, the unique yield tour is sure to be an eye-opener, providing clues to whether or not 2018 will be seen as a high yield or a low yield year. With the Yield Tour team assessing growing conditions, cropping challenges, opportunities facing Ontario Farmers in 2018, the “boots-on-the-ground” team will make agronomy and marketing recommendations on how to face this year’s crop season.
It looks to be a late planting year for 2018 in Ontario, but planting is only one factor (25%) that will have a significant impact on final yields. Yield potential goes down with delayed planting because of a number of factors, including a shorter growing season, greater insect & disease pressure, and higher risk of hot, dry conditions during pollination. Despite the past few years having a late planting start, Ontario has been able to achieve strong/record yields thanks to a great finish! This is the second year of a “La Nina” -- when it often gathers maximum strength. Will dry weather take hold during spring / summer? or will 2018 out-perform the previous two years in terms of corn and soybeans yields in Ontario?
The tour takes place the last two weeks in August, when the team is out in the field taking samples. At the end of the Great Ontario Yield Tour, the team will be estimating corn and soybean yields in Ontario for 5 regions: South, East, Central, West and North.
The Great Ontario Yield Tour team wants you to see what we see. Check out our photos and farmer and industry expert video interviews as we post them on Twitter @Farmsmarketing using hashtag #ONyield18 throughout the tour. Our corn and soybean yield estimates will be released at the final yield tour events being held on August 23rd and August 30th, 2018.
Eastern Ontario Event at Jaquemet Farms, Winchester, Ontario - August 23, 2018
Western Ontario Event at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show, Woodstock, Ontario - August 30, 2018
Testimonials from the 2017 Great Ontario Yield Tour
Jeff Ferguson, St. Thomas, ON - "First class final event, well done on demos and loved the guest speaker. I took 4-5 new ideas that I can apply on my own farm."
John Cipkar, Harrow, ON - "I do want to say that I was very impressed at the whole day, very well done and so much information. It was my first time going to an event like that and look forward to attending next year."